Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Say this prayer aloud and feel a majorly positive

Father/Mother God,

I invite the Holy Spirit to take charge of my journey to prosperity.

I let go of all that has gone before, and I now begin anew.

I am free and forgiven for all the mistakes I’ve made in the past.

I open myself now to expressing a brand new magnificence.

I open myself to the infinite possibilities that are mine to choose.

I open myself to receiving all the goodness I can have
and to all the greatness I can achieve.

I invite the Holy Spirit to heal my body to harmonize my emotions, to renew my mind.

To fill me now with a mighty faith that empowers me
and allows me to commit to be all that I came to be.


Edwene Gaines ♥ “The Four Laws of Spiritual Prosperity”